Quality Policy

NSN Healthcare is in the business of biopharmaceuticals with its main objective to alleviate the human ailments by ensuring the supplies of best quality medicines to our Patients.

Our Continuous Endeavour towards commitment of providing excellent and best quality products is never ending. We focus on providing complete customer satisfaction. We therefore attach great importance to the quality of our products and consider high quality to be achieved via continuous improvement processes. We understand that the quality of our products, services and processes greatly depends on our employees. We have incorporated this understanding into our training and management principles. Regular employee training and our work with various committees and organizations are, therefore, a matter of course for us. Ours employee takes responsibility for the quality of their work. Our goal is to work correctly and accurately to a high standard at all times.

Improving a quality mindset is a continuous process with the involvement of every employee. Quality understanding and competency will be secured through a comprehensive training system. The use of quality indicators (KPIs) and regular quality meetings at a management level will contribute to satisfactory attention and corrective actions

All the products which are sourced and Marketed by us are Effective and safe and are of highest quality. The products are manufactured in plants Complying WHO-GMP standards.

These factors strengthen our conviction to provide best quality products to our patients continuously thereby marching forward towards excellence and perfection. We are committed to our customers and focus on the quality of our products to the best interests of the patients and the customers. Use of quality risk management by valuing the product quality and the safety of the patient safety is an important tool and genuineness is an integrated part of our quality culture.

We see ourselves as a reliable partner for doctors, pharmacists and our customers, who prescribe, re-commend and use our products. In addition to the quality and safety of our pharmaceutical products, another key objective in our work is providing a high level of service. The comprehensive range of in-formation on our products and how to use them, we keep a close watch from the raw materials used to the manufacturing process to the scientific publication of clinical research results that we make available, e.g. via our public relations activities, websites and in direct contact with our customers, reflects our endeavor to provide high levels of transparency and a strong customer focus.